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Essentials for your first RV camping trip

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

TOP 10 plus a few extras

We get asked by new campers what should be the first items to buy after we purchase our camper.

Some people go overboard and purchase items that are not really necessary. I will be honest we are definitely one of those people. We purchase items sometimes that you really don't need, especially as a new camper. Even being veteran campers, we still purchase items that never get used or that we really don't need. There are also people that buy campers and just don't know what they need to go on their first camping trip.

Here is a list of items we compiled that we think are necessary to take your camper out for the first time. We added a few other items that make your first trip a whole lot easier.

Must-Have Items

1. Sewage hose with a clear connector- this is not mandatory, but it sure helps when dumping your tanks so you can see when they run clear.

Sewage Hose
Sewage Hose

2. RV toilet paper - believe it or not, this is a very debated subject, not everyone thinks you should use RV toilet paper, but we always have and have had no issues with our tanks.

3. Walkie Talkies - Walkie-talkies/radios are great for couples backing in the RV so you can talk to each other. You can use your phone, but we have been to campgrounds where we don't have cell

service, so these are a must. Also, great to have for hiking in case you get lost.

4. Tire chocks - These are a must! When you get to a new campsite or to store your RV before you unhook your RV you need to put one of these behind at least one tire if not all of your tires. If you are on even a slight hill your RV can roll back.

5. Power surge protector Another must for campers. Some campground outlets are a little

sketchy looking. This is a little expensive purchase but could save you thousands of dollars in damage. If there is a power surge, outage, or just a bad electric box all your stuff could be fried without this must-have

A great water hose is a must. Most campers come with a small hose when you buy it. But, when you can upgrade to a better one that is much longer. We have been to some campgrounds and needed two hoses to reach the water hookup.

7. Water filter - You never know what kind of water you will get out of a spigot at a campground. Always better to have some kind of water filter. This is an inexpensive one that works just for your first few trips. We would suggest upgrading to a better one or getting something like a Berkey for drinking water.

8. Leveling blocks or wood Some campsites are very unlevel and you will need something to go under the jacks. You can order these level blocks or just bring some pieces of wood.

This one is kind of self-explanatory. You are dumping sewage, so always wear gloves and wash your hands after you are done.

10. Emergency Road Kit - Breakdowns and flat tires are going to happen sometimes. Always better to be prepared.

A few extras that are great to have for your first trip. Good to have, but not must-haves.


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